NMF-Oblige IT, a collaborative effort between two industry leaders: Oblige IT, a distinguished global Dynamics 365 Implementation partner, and NMS Fakhry Group, a well-established and renowned entity in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia region and the broader Middle East, celebrated for its diverse business operations

+966 92 000 8567

Customized Development Services

Deep Insight, Tailored Solutions: Your Business, Your Way

At NMF Oblige IT, we prioritize understanding your business needs and strategic objectives. Our approach involves a close collaboration with your team to implement solutions that are not just effective but precisely tailored to align with your unique goals. To achieve this, we leverage a diverse array of programming languages and platforms, ensuring flexibility and compatibility.


From enhancing website functionality with custom features to developing entirely unique software solutions, our team possesses the expertise to handle a wide spectrum of projects. Unlike off-the-shelf software providers, we at NMF Oblige IT take pride in our commitment to crafting custom solutions. No two businesses are the same, and neither should their software be. Our focus is on delivering bespoke software and solutions that resonate with your specific requirements.


This means you won’t find generic solutions here. Instead, we invest time and effort to understand the intricacies of your operations, ensuring that our custom-developed software is not just a tool but an integral part of your business strategy. Elevate your business with tailored solutions that reflect your uniqueness and propel you toward your strategic objectives. Partner with Oblige IT for a collaborative journey towards innovation and customized excellence in the world of software solutions.